The bad invention that ruined the generation



The Murky Boon Era


Inventions are cooked in order to bring aid to the humans, but what if the aid morphs and began eating you instead of serving you? No, I am not talking about the 5 — minute craft channel where they pull off extremely broken methods to mend the already destroyed. Where the paramount notions must be the ‘reuse’ of articles, these channels have nothing but ‘obtuse offerings’ for viewers. Not getting ahead of our topic, the ultimate attempt to salvage humans, the epic fail — Social media Platforms. I rummaged the whole web in the name of ‘worst inventions ever’ only to crash upon the typical monotonous gas chambers, the DDT, the hydrogen blimp and the list never kisses the halt. I couldn’t help but wince at the idea of writing about something that has been already milked for years. So, in hindsight I went to my cognitive department and it lended me with quite a pensive bulk to ruminate about — our beloved Media. Let’s unravel this deceptive bait.
Keywords: Broken-methods — deceptive methods that fools the audience in the name of being helpful, Social media — all the OTT platforms available online, DDT — Dichloro Diphenyl trichloroethane, Hydrogen blimps — a submarine that travels in air, an invention with epic fail but plethora learning, gas chambers, cognitive department — the section where you scoop the ideas from within

The Negative Invention — A bait for humans

Where once the houses were glorified with the chatters and chirps of proactive members of the family, now the houses are haunted by the vast frequencies and electromagnetic radiations. What changed over time? You? The home? Family? No. It’s an invention. The invention of — social media. As much as I stride in favor of the media, I am beginning to castigate its influence on us. It’s not all the inventions, it’s us too — quite reckless, quite oblivious and then — Trapped.

The start :

It all started in 1997, the first media cracked on the pan and the audience went gaga about the inventions. Why wouldn’t they be? A place where they could talk to people afar, a site they could use to doll up their organic pictures, a corner where they could have private talks at any hour any second of the day, an escape from this real monotonous world., then in 2000 came another wonder — — a place where you seek validation from the people you have no cue about, from the people with no heroic honors in the subject of fashion and beauty. Just like that, experiments were made and the apps, sites were posted among the audience from twitter, to LinkedIn, to Facebook, to Instagram, to what not and what else.

The sweet Hype :

New product is proportional to the audience’s enthusiasm. The product gets older, the interest gets jaded. This is also the case with the media. Where once print media was the fourth pillar of democratic countries, it is now dusted off by the advanced and motile — Online era, where only a single click can make so many changes.

The hype was real, the people in glee,
So much so that they forgot about thee.


New friends, so many likes, followers, validations, a whole surreal world coming true — what else could those isolated souls from the 90’s want.

The oblivious :

You know I feel saddened by the fact that people ditched their real world to escape their then isolated self only to step right in the deeper pit of isolation. Just imagine, you running off from something only to run into it. Pretty tragic, we are, Humans. The only thing that people want is love, and the vessel it travels in is either disregarded or not pondered upon, they got the fame, the liberation, the novelty via media but the vessel they got all of it in — on the explance of their loved rapports, was never looked onto.

Still the sin?

Humans are charmed by the gift of consciousness and even after realizing the do’s and don’ts of the situation, they dive head first into the pit. Why? There are multiple reasons that have gotten this mess entwined so beautifully, one of them being — the escape. Simply put, how often do you feel like escaping your wrecked customary life and going for a chill out? How often do the constant nagging of your parents get you up the wall? How often do you feel invisible? How often does the thought of being loved, admired, appreciated crosses your head? That’s why.

But it is good.. :

Sure it is. If it weren’t for the media news would have never grabbed the most vivid regions of the globe in seconds, you would have never learnt more than you could ever do in your high school years, you wouldn’t have had the luxury of speaking to your family overseas and the thill to make new friends, enter in new communities, make connections, earn online would have just been an untouched dream

The repercussions :

Studies dig out the hidden culprits — FOMO’s, Depression, disorders, mental trauma, bullying, Narcissism, Isolation, complexion, inferiority etc. These were some of the things that are conspicuous but what’s often overlooked is the, ‘demeanor’. Over time people have gotten so hooked on the media rummaging, that they have gotten themselves shackled by this devil called ‘addiction’. More the scrolling, more the thrill to flaunt, more the separation to fit in this world, more the consumption of the time on the internet and hence neglecting the real, organic beauty you’ve always had — ‘Rapports’. When was the last time you shared a whole, happy meal with you family, the whole family sitting together, chirping together,sharing together? When was it?

The addiction and the race to this shimmering world has gotten so important among youth that they often are oblivious about the basic things, negligent about the crucial tasks and more importantly unbothered about real life. This is taking a toll on the mental health too, the utter state of delirium, the panic attacks, the anxiety are all nothing but an indicator of you being slaved of your media. Where it should be family time, the family of this era is seen scrolling the phones, sitting in different rooms not caring about one another, maintaining calm in the house — a calm not for the best but for the calamity.

Amends :

What we can do to undo this array we are pressed into subliminally is, ‘Avoid’

  • Keep your nightstand with books instead of your phone, 
  • Talk to your parents, 
  • Discuss actively in the house, 
  • Take little steps and show your compassion via actions, 
  • Ask them how they are feeling, 
  • Help around the house, don’t be a couch potato — hey you!, 
  • Don’t resort to asking — go ahead and serve your elders. 

What’s the use?

I believe relations are the only one who are going to slam love in you, 

When you are down on bed — they will be the one pressing cold cloth over your forehead, 

When you will kiss your forte — they will be the one dancing with you, 

When you’ll die — they will be the one acknowledging your worth, not the media, not the fake online world. 

At the end of the day, it’s the love you brew in this world, not the materialism you water on the way.


Please read the whole essay, entwined in APA formatting, I — Diksha Jetly have written it with basic and cognitive knowledge. No scope of spinned work or plagiarism. Thank you for reading.

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